Blue Fox in the Independent, BBC & Sky News, Telegraph, Guardian, Daily Mail, Daily Express ..on Boxing Day 2015

By January 6, 2016 Uncategorised

We were pleased to see our press release reported in several national newspapers on Boxing Day.

Boxing Day is one of the main days in the hunting calendar.

The ban was introduced almost 11 years ago and long may it continue, to protect our wildlife from hunting with dogs


Blue Fox in the press on Boxing Day:


BBC News: Fox hunting: Parliament has ‘better things to do’ than repeal Act


The Independent: Fox hunting: David Cameron’s desire to reverse ban ‘doomed in face of Tory opposition


Western Daily Press: Cecil the Lion shows public have no appetite for Boxing Day foxhunts say Tory MPs



blue fox mix

The Guardian: Foxhunting should be ‘consigned to history’, says sports minister


The Daily Express: MP blasts fox hunting: ‘Brits want the blood sport consigned to history’


Market News: Fox hunting ban backed by most Britons


The Telegraph: Tory minister condemns party’s pledge for vote to bring back hunting with dogs


Daily Mail: Opposition to legalising fox hunting at all-time high, poll shows


Huffington Post: Boxing Day Fox Hunt 2015: Hunts Gather For Annual Outing Amid Growing Opposition To Repeal Act


Sky News: Sports Minister: Consign Fox Hunting To History

Boxing Day foxhunts to go ahead as Tory support falls for weakening ban


Express & Star: Opposition to legalising fox hunting at all-time high, poll shows


The Yorkshire Evening Post: More Tory MPs ‘refuse to run with the pack’


The Western Daily Press: The 57 Tory MPs who will defy David Cameron and vote to keep the hunting ban

The Liberal Democrat Voice: Blue foxes, red greens and a gold star

Blue foxes, red greens and a gold star