Conservatives Against Fox Hunting Founder interviewed with Countryside Alliance Head Of Communications Spokesperson and Tracy Crouch MP on BBC Radio Kent, 3rd November 2010

By November 3, 2010 Uncategorised
0.23.        Start interview here with the Countryside Alliance Head of Communications spokesperson followed by the Founder of Conservatives Against Fox Hunting
1.01          Short bulletin feature  of CAFH  founder during news on the hour. 
1.24         Tracey Crouch Conservative MP against repeal.
2.21          The  general public phone in  contributions.   The overwhelming majority who phone and email in are against  fox hunting.
 No sooner had we got back from one television interview in Westminster yesterday but we received another invitation to be interviewed by BBC radio Kent for the following morning. It was an early start- 7.20am and by telephone live on air by BBC radio Kent. The discussion centered on the fact that there are now four  Conservative MPs against repeal in Kent and two more  Conservative MPs are undecided about repeal. The two radio presenters point out that there appears to be a definite shift in attitudes concerning Conservative MPs and repeal and the new  intake are less sympathetic to hunting with dogs than earlier generations of Conservative MPs.  CAFH Founder  mentions that there have always been Conservative MPs who have spoken out against hunting. These include Anne Widdicombe and Alan Clarke amongst others, Margaret Thatcher was also against hare coursing. In the 1980’s the Conservative Anti Hunt Council was established before the ban on hunting with dogs was introduced.