Our Co Founder wins Campaigner 2012 Award, presented by Baroness Gale in the House of Lords. 23rd October 2012 http://tinyurl.com/cgfcajp We are members of The Partnership For Action…
Written by Mary on 15 February, 2011 at The League Against Cruel Sports about the recent attempt to reintroduce licensed hare coursing in Northern Ireland last week http://www.league.org.uk/blogs_entry.aspx?id=375 The spin…
blogs_entry.aspx?id=355 Please click on this link for short 3 minute video of a Goat Farmer who is unhappy with her local Hunt. Her goat livestock have aborted their young because…
I would cordially invite any pro-repeal Members of Parliament to wander along to the north bank of Westminster Bridge, next to the Houses of Parliament, where they may care to…
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-devon-12339602 From the article by The League Against Cruel Sports; ‘Evidence filmed by League Against Cruel Sports’ investigators has today led to the successful prosecution of Andrew Bellamy who has…
‘In April 2003, less than two years before the introduction of the Hunting Act, opponents of the ban were finally starting to see the writing on the wall. The uncomfortable…
Last week, we learned of an incident that’s currently being investigated by the police, during which a fox was killed by a pack of hounds from a Hunt. The huntsmen…
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-12225569 The Buckingham MP told a constituent he agreed hunting foxes to kill them was “wrong in the 21st Century”. A constituency spokesman said it was Mr Bercow’s “duty” to…
http://www.theargus.co.uk/news/8796351.Sussex_detectives_investigate_fox_hunting_claims/ The newspaper article reports about the killing of a fox in a wood and the hunt and monitors present at the time. The two minute video records what took place.
17 January 2011 South West A high speed train running from London to Cheltenham Spa was forced to stop earlier today after colliding with a pack of foxhounds in Wiltshire….