The Pit and the Pendulum is a tale written by Edgar Allan Poe, whose title has come to embody a sense of helplessness, horror and impending doom. The story’s narrator…
In a previous post, I wrote about the Dog Days, or the hot, feverish period in summertime when the ancients believed that madness gripped the land. The Romans attempted to…
The recent period of hot weather in Britain could almost be described as Mediterranean, so this turned my mind to thinking of the ancients and the way they described these…
Back in 1993, I worked on a film with the curious title of “The Hour of the Pig”, although upon release by Miramax in the USA, it was renamed “The…
It is surely stating the obvious to observe that the subject of hunting foxes with hounds raises strong passions, both among those who regard the pursuit and violent death of…
The League Against Cruel Sports Launched It’s Fox Tour yesterday. Good Luck Guys. Fox Tour
We hope you find the blog blog of the Blue Fox interesting. We are against cruelty in fox hunting and indeed all forms of hunting with dogs. This includes stag hunting, hare…