BBC Look East interviews CAFH Founder Oct 6th 2011

By October 7, 2011 Uncategorised

One of our Founders was interviewed by the political editor Andrew Sinclair  of the BBC at the Conservative conference on the  news that a free vote was to be possibly further delayed. 

 The tv  interview was broadcast on BBC ‘s Look East news item on October 6th and BBC England thereafter.The presenter says that he has been told by a  senior Conservative source that a free vote has been pushed into the long grass once again. It will be 2013 at the earliest.

The broadcast showed film of a hunt and included an interview with Conservatives Against Fox Hunting’s Founder.The article  continued that there are not enough MPs in Parliament  who would welcome a  repeal of The Hunting Act 2004 .Our Founder stated that the longer the legislation remains the more embedded it becomes in Society and the more difficult it is to overturn it. The BBC England video link- 2 minutes long

We do have to remain vigilant of back door measures to undermine the ban on hunting with dogs even if a free vote seems distant at the present time. Animal welfare organisations are alert to the introduction of  new bills that may be be a possible threat to the legislation that is in place to protect wildlife from unnecessary activities.