CAFH and increasing support of Conservative MPs letter is published in the Western Daily Press. 28.5.2011

By May 30, 2011 Uncategorised

This letter mentioning Conservatives Against Fox Hunting and the increasing support of Conservative back benchers was published on Saturday the 28th may 2011.

We work to support anti hunting Conservative MPs and to encourage undecided Conservative MPs to support the Hunting Act 2004 which bans stag, hare and fox hunting with dogs. It also bans the cruel sport of hare coursing. If the Act is repealed then these wild mammals would be unprotected from hunting with dogs and unnecessary sports would return. We urge our MPs to support the Hunting ban and follow the advice of all our animal welfare organisations who all advocate support for the Act as opposed to a minority hunting lobby who seek a return of rural pursuits involving hunting wild mammals with dogs.