CAFH's 'We Will Rock You' Event with Conservative MPs and Brian May.

By June 30, 2011 Uncategorised

We hosted our  ‘We Will Rock You’ event with Brian May of Queen on June 29th 2011 at the Dominion Theatre in Tottenham Court Road. The event was a big success and was attended by anti hunting Conservative MPs,  David Bowles,the Head of Communications of the RSPCA,  Robbie Marsland the UK Director of IFAW and Douglas Batchelor the CEO  of the League Against Cruel Sports, Dr Richard Ryder, Trustee and the ex Chairman of the RSPCA and  John Cooper QC amongst other guests .The show  featured the Queen musical and their hits and the whole theatre rocked with  wonderful sound of Queen hits!

The photo with Brian May also includes Simon Kirby MP, Mike Weatherley MP and David Amess MP.

 This event celebrated the drive and committment of our animal welfare charities who all share the same community spirit of working to protect our wildlife from a return of hunting with dogs .We all  respond to the same drive to defend the Hunting Act 2004 which bans hunting wild mammals with dogs .Conservatives Against Fox Hunting was established last year to support anti hunting Conservative MPs and their stance and also to encourage more Conservative MPs to represent the majority opinion against repeal. The evening was about celebrating our unity to protect wildlife  with  key figures from our leading animal welfare charities and to have an informal fun evening and a break from the serious daily campaigning and work to protect the legislation.

The  photo features some of the guests at the We Will Rock You event, including two of the Co Founders of CAFH, Conservative MPs- Simon Kirby, MP, Mike Weatherley MP , David Amess MP, RSPCA Trustee and Treasurer, Barbara Gardner, Dr Richard Ryder, retired Chairman of the RSPCA now a Trustee, Professor John Cooper QC,  Elise Saunders, Conservative Councillor, Robbie Marsland,UK Director of IFAW, Josie Harrad of IFAW, Anne Brummer , Founder of Harper Asprey Wildlife Rescue Centre and Brian May of Queen and Founder of Save Me

 We are very grateful to Brian May for his kind hospitality and for providing us all with a fantastic live rock musical show, private reception suite,  champagne and canapes etc and for his personal inspirational welcome. We were delighted to host the event with Brian May who also kindly gave a talk at our Parliamentary Breakfast Briefing and helped host the event that we held in partnership with the League Against Cruel Sports in the House Of Commons in December 2010 which was attended by six anti hunting Conservative MPs.

Our first parliamentary event  we organised for Conservative MPs against fox hunting took place 10 months after our launch and was in December 2010: Post on our Parliamentary Briefing, December 2010  with six anti hunting Conservative MPs.      Follow our 18 month campaign with these links and see our events in Parliament,  the Conservative conference, universities and coverage on the BBC Politics Show,  BBC radio  interviews and national newspapers since our launch in January 2010. Conservativehome diary by Tim Montgomerie features  Conservatives Against Fox Hunting on its website on Boxing Day 26th December 2010 as number three of its 12 most important  Christmas political stories. Conservatives Against Fox Hunting MPs quoted as  ‘Heroes of 2010’   The  Guardian.