Hello! CAFH were invited to meet a long standing anti hunting Conservative MP at his Westminster office in late July.

By August 13, 2011 Uncategorised

The co founder of CAFH recently spent some time at the Westminster office of a Conservative anti hunting MP. The issue of repeal was discussed and then the MP kindly introduced the co founder to other Conservative MPs and their staff on the same floor in nearby offices. It was a perfect opportunity to say hello to more Conservative MPs and spread the message of Conservatives Against Fox Hunting. Many MPs were away for the summer recess yet  important introductions were achieved. It  is vitally important to meet MPs face to face and we are very grateful to the kind MP who initiated the intoductions and literally knocked on Conservative MP’s  doors with us!

The Power of Hello…..

If you would like to say hello to us and  contribute towards our campaign to keep the ban on hunting stags, hares and foxes with dogs in place and hare coursing- check out our Facebook page on the link on the right hand side of this website . Help us to help keep the Hunting Act 2004 in place and spread  our campaign on your Facebook page with family and friends. Together we can all make a difference.