Thank You

By July 15, 2015 Uncategorised

fox face blue green glow blue fox words

Conservatives Against Fox Hunting – Blue Fox want to thank all of you who have written to us offering us kind words of support. Your emails make a difference. We receive too many emails to reply to everyone individually but rest assured every message is read and your expressions of support help motivate us and drive us onwards.

An increasing number of Conservative MPs have let us and others know that they will not vote for any amendment or repeal of the hunting Act 2004. We encourage our supporters to write to their MPs and tell them Hunting with dogs is unacceptable as the ban is still under the threat of repeal.  We will continue to campaign within the Conservative Party and with our Conservative MPs to explain our and our supporters position and putting across the fundamental, unarguable fact that in the 21st century it is unacceptable to hunt and kill an animal with dogs for sport.



Thank you.


On behalf of the Conservatives Against Fox Hunting – Blue Fox Team


Twitter: BlueFoxCAFH